McKinsey&Company -Value-creation-in-the-metaverse-2022

McKinsey&Company -Value-creation-in-the-metaverse-2022

This report examines the emergence of the metaverse: its history and characteristics, the factors driving investment, how consumers and businesses are using it today and may in the future, its value-creation potential, and how leaders and policy makers can plan their strategies and near-term actions. Our work began by surveying more than 3,400 consumers and executives on metaverse adoption, its potential, and how it may shift behaviors. We also interviewed 13 senior leaders and metaverse experts. In analyzing the metaverse’s value-creation potential and total investment landscape, we examined the drivers of activity among major corporations, venture capital, and private-equity funds. We examined the potential impact of the metaverse on sectors most closely tied to its technology and uses, with our work supplemented with additional research, case studies, and real-world examples. 
McKinsey&Company -Value-creation-in-the-metaverse-2022
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